VESALIUS Biocapital IV Partners Sarl

Jean-Christophe Renondin

Managing Partner
Jean-Christophe Renondin

Dr. Jean-Christophe Renondin is an accomplished and seasoned healthcare investor with over 20 years of relevant experience. Prior to joining Vesalius Biocapital IV, he was the Senior Healthcare Manager at the Oman Investment Authority (OIA), the Sovereign Fund of Oman, in charge of healthcare investments. Prior to this, he was Managing Director at Bryan Garnier & Co a pan-European investment bank in charge of the healthcare practice leading ECM and private placement transactions for European healthcare clients. He was also General Partner at CDC Innovation investing in various European healthcare assets. From 1999 to 2005 he was Vice President at Sofinov, a subsidiary of the Caisse de Depot et Placement of Quebec (CDPQ), leading the healthcare investment fund, and Managing Director at MDS Capital, one of the leading healthcare investment firms in Canada.

Jean-Christophe was also the General Manager of different international subsidiaries for Servier Laboratories, in Ireland and South Africa, and was at JP Morgan in the Healthcare Equity Research and Corporate Finance departments in New York. He earned his Medical’s Doctorate degree (MD) from Paris V Descartes University and his MBA from the Amos Tuck School of Business Administration.